Fructose. Had a few flights over concert stages. Also, he hit Gerard Way's leg once. Haven't washed him since. Hah.
Sunset. Nothing special.
Moth. Also nothing special.
Moth. Also nothing special.
I created this blog just to spite someone, despite having about... 5 blogs that I don't use? Hopefully this won't be one of them. Also hopefully I can make some friends here that are not complete douchebags.
I don't give out my full name, wanting to retain partial anonymity. I'm known as Chris to some, though. Forgive me if i correct your grammar/misspellings, as I am anal retentive like that.
Copyrighted, blah blah blah. If i find out you took them i'll just nag the living shit out of you and throw in a few death threats. These were taken by me.
I haven't gotten the hang of this whole blog thing. Probably will have HTML kinks somewhere.